Give Eric Benet for Christmas.

Christmas Flavor

This Holiday Season, season with Eric Benet.

You’re at the mall picking up stocking stuffers to polish off your awesome gifts. What can you give your discriminating friends to make them feel special? Got it!

Love and Life

Love and Life

Or at the Christmas office party gift exchange, you’re determined to bring a gift that will draw admiring looks. Perfect!

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Lost In Time

Your sig-other and you are out for the evening, celebrating the Season. At the restaurant for dinner, you surprise your other half with a gift of appreciation for the wonderful evening. Imagine their eyes when they see . . .



While Christmas shopping, your best friend and you trade off singing your favorite R&B songs. You’ve already bought their favorite Christmas album. Now you have the idea for one more.

A Day In the Life

A Day In The Life

Everyone has to bring one entertainment item to the formal White Christmas party. You and your date break in with a CD like none other. You’re the couple with style cred.

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The One

Stress relieved. You’ll make lots of friends and loved ones happy. Plus the office and the formal crowd will completely recognize your cool.

Happy Holidays from True Eric Benet Fans!

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